A Word on Evangelization
2nd Sunday, Ordinary Time, January 19, 2025
Deacon Mike Meyer
In today’s Gospel Jesus turns the water into wine at the wedding of Cana. Even though Jesus responds to His mother’s request with, “My hour has not yet come.”, He still turns the water into wine an act of evangelization that turned the heads of all who witnessed this event with astonishment, and they begin questioning who Jesus is, and that He could possibly be the savior that they were hoping for and expecting. They begin to believe!
God is calling each one of us into evangelization leadership, a call that began with our baptism. The question we need to ask ourselves is, “In what way is God calling me to share my gifts for the building of the kingdom of God and His church?” We conveniently like to think that our time has not yet come and we use this attitude as an excuse to put off any evangelization leadership that God may be calling us to, setting us on a course of perpetual delay, so that eventually we can say, “My time has never come!”
The question for us today is, “What is God calling us to do in regards to evangelization leadership?” In what ways is God calling me to step out in faith and become a leader in building the kingdom of God? We all have gifts that God wants us to share and use for the building of the kingdom. That is a given. Will we say, “Yes, Lord, here I am!”
Leadership in ministry is a very rewarding experience that will bring us to a deeper level of faith and understanding about our Catholic faith. To what ministry opportunity is God calling us to? How will we respond?