Twentieth Sunday, Ordinary Time, August 18, 2024
From the Deacon’s Desk Reflection on Today’s Gospel Reading
Eternal life! How often does our eternity cross our minds through the course of the average day? I would think that the younger we are, the more unlikely it is for us to consider very often. The distractions of this life in this world seem to occupy our minds most of the time. If we lived each moment of every day considering our eternal life, our choices in life would likely be different and the world we live in would be a much more loving place. As a matter of fact, one could argue that it would be heaven on earth.
We have all heard stories or have known people who suddenly were confronted with the possibility of a terminal illness, or had a very close call while driving their car, or had a near death experience. When this happens suddenly our eternity is right before our eyes, and often times when people have these experiences, their lives are changed forever for the better.
In today’s Gospel Jesus says that unless we eat His flesh and drink His blood, we do not have life within us and goes on to say, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.” If we really believe this with our whole being and long to spend our eternity with Jesus in heaven, then how could we possibly allow ourselves to miss receiving Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Sacrament of the Eucharist? Nothing would keep us from attending Sunday Mass, and we would long to receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament during weekday Masses. Would vacation keep us from it? Would sports? Would work? Would fatigue after a late night on Saturday?
Nothing in this life could possibly compare to our eternity with God. Nothing is worth interfering with our faith. If we make exceptions and compromise, then we have no life within us. These are not my words but the words of Jesus Christ.
If we really believe the words of Jesus in today’s Gospel, we should Hunger and Thirst for Jesus. We would long to receive Him every chance we get, and make it the top priority of our lives.
Lord, help us to consider every day our eternity and that this life is short and final, where as eternal life is forever being united with God. Give us the faith to live each and every moment of our lives as if it were our last.
Youth Ministry Announcements
Blessing of Athletes: There will be a special blessing for athletes at the nine and eleven o’clock masses next Sunday, August 25.
Church Day at the Darke County Fair: Deacon Mike will be at the Spiritual Life Building at the Darke County Fair this Monday, August 19, from 6:00 to 8:00. Stop by to take a break from the fair festivities for some coffee or water, and good conversation.
Youth Mass for the Family of Parishes: This year religious education along with youth ministry are kicking off the CCD year with a Mass at St. Louis Catholic Church in North Star, at 7:00 p.m. All High School students are expected to attend. Father Jones will be the main celebrant for the Mass. Parents and other family members are encouraged to go to this special Mass
High School Youth Ministry Sessions: The summer is flying by and High School Youth Ministry is again around the corner. The high school youth ministry will be meeting every Wednesday that we have CCD beginning Wednesday, September 4, at the St. Denis Rectory from 6:45 p.m. and will end at 7:25 p.m. right before religion classes start.
Middle School Youth Ministry Sessions: Middle School Youth Ministry and will resume on September 4, 2021 for the new CCD year and will be held every Wednesday beginning with benediction at 6:05 p.m. immediately followed by Youth Ministry which will end 7:25 p.m. right religion classes which start at 7:30 p.m.