A Word on Evangelization
27th Sunday, Ordinary Time, October 6, 2024
Deacon Mike Meyer
Vocations Chalices are coming to the parishes of Northwest V family of parishes. Right now, there is one Vocation Chalice that has been passed from family to family for over ten years for St. Remy parishioners. St. Remy has been blessed with three vocations to the priesthood in the past ten years.
So, what is a Vocations Chalice? A chalice is purchased and placed in a display case along with prayer suggestions and prayer resources. Every family in the parish signs up to have the chalice for a two-week period. The family prays together for vocations for fourteen days while the chalice is displayed in their home. The prayers include a novena for vocations to the priesthood along with other suggested prayers for the family to say together.
When one of the sons of the parish is ordained a Catholic Priest, the parish presents the newly ordained priest with the chalice acknowledging that God has answered their prayers.
The chalices have been ordered and have arrived. We are working on the display cases where they will be mounted so families can set them up in their homes.
This is a great opportunity for all families to come together in prayer for vocations to the priesthood and show their support of the priesthood in and beyond their family. We want to invite every family to participate in this initiative and be a part of this wonderful experience of solidarity in prayer. You never know who God may be calling to be a priest. It could be one of our sons or grandsons. By interceding for them we have the opportunity in assisting them in realizing their God given vocation.
Deacon Mike