Today’s Gospel reading shows us that Jesus Christ forces himself on no one even though the people in His hometown reject Him. God purposely limits Jesus’ omnipotence in order to respect human freedom. He gives countless signs and indications that He is to be trusted, that He is who He says He is, but Jesus refuses to give any evidence that will eliminate the need for trust and faith. He invites; but does not compel. He is a Lord who wages His wars by appealing to the heart, by showing love, and by speaking the truth, but if we refuse His advances, He will leave us free to go our own way. He wants followers who are friends, not slaves – a kingdom of freedom, not bondage.
If we as Christians truly respect and follow our Lord, we will exercise our discipleship in the same way. Instead of browbeating and cajoling others to follow Christ and accept His doctrine (not criticizing, condemning, and disdaining them when they refuse our advances), we will appeal to them on a deeper level, finding creative ways to show them how much Christ loves them and how satisfying and fulfilling it is to follow Him, both now and forever. In this regard, the most eloquent and effective testimony is our own example of Christian love. The more we love others as Christ has loved us – serving ingeniously and without looking for recompense, being equally kind with everyone no matter how costly it is to our natural feelings, forgiving quickly and without conditions, always speaking positively and never gossiping, detracting, or destructively criticizing – the more his grace flourishes in our souls. Then virtue takes root and grows. Then we begin to experience in our own lives the happiness and peace Christ wants for us. This is what attracts others to Jesus, the sacraments and the church. We must invite those around us to follow Jesus more closely, but our words will be hollow if our lives are devoid of grace, Christian love, and a Christ-like example. Hearts are converted when others see Christ within us which is made visible through our actions.
Youth Ministry Announcements
NOW (Night of Worship): The next one will be this Monday, July 8, 7:00 to 9:00, at Holy Family Hall and church in Frenchtown. All high school students are invited from the Family of Parishes for a night of fun, faith and fellowship.
Steubenville Youth Conference: Final payment flyers and form information has been distributed and all participants need to fill out the Archdiocesan Medical Form and copy and paste the link to fill out and sign their legal liability form for Steubenville on the platform. Final payments and the Archdiocesan Medical form can be turned in at the office at any time. The conference this year will be July 12-14. You can still register by getting a deposit of $50.00 to Mike ASAP. The total cost of the conference will be $375.00.
Totus Tuus: Starts tomorrow and runs this week July 7-12. Junior High and High School sessions are in the evening 7:00 to 9:00, Sunday through Thursday. Wednesday night is adoration, benediction and confession. This includes grades 7-12. Students have to be registered by June 6.
High School Youth Ministry Sessions: High School Youth Ministry has been completed for the school year and will resume in September.
Middle School Youth Ministry Sessions: Middle School Youth Ministry has been completed for the school year and will resume in September.