Eighteenth Sunday, Ordinary Time, August 4, 2024
From the Deacon’s Desk Reflection on Today’s Gospel Reading
We’re in week two of our long stretch in John 6 as Jesus introduces himself as the bread of life. This week’s Scripture passage begins in an unusual spot. The lectionary overlooks a couple of verses that talk about how some people noticed that Jesus didn’t travel with the disciples and picks up the story as they go to Capernaum with the intent on finding Jesus because he provided a very filling dinner the night before.
Their bellies are full but their hearts are empty of wonder. When they ask Jesus how he got over to the other side of the lake, Jesus, as usual, gets right to the heart of the matter, immediately questioning their motivation. He basically says, “You’re only looking for me because I’ve filled your belly. You missed the point of what I’m showing you because your eyes are in your stomach and you’re more preoccupied with getting whatever it is you think you need.”
Their short-sighted effort to find him is from the wrong motivation. Understandable, I’d say—when we’ve been given a good meal, don’t we hope for a return invite? And yet, this is our typical approach to our relationship with God: we seek him through our quick prayers for whatever it is we are in need for: a decision we need to make, a resource we lack, a struggle we need saving from; we want a full belly and we know God provides. But, we keep missing what Jesus is offering in abundance: a heart full of wonder, a much fuller “feast.”
There is a difference between being hungry and hungering, between thirsting and being thirsty. When we are hungry and thirsty, we need something to eat and/or drink. But when we are hungering and thirsting, we are craving more of something. We aren’t meant to think of Jesus’ promise as a commitment to our “being satisfied” but of our being supplied. In a spiritual sense, if we know and trust Christ as the source of all good things, we will want more of him and his will in our lives, of Christ ruling in our hearts and the Holy Spirit’s presence filling us.
There are some Christian people who have the ability of seeing “God’s hand” in everything? What it means to have a full belly versus a heart full of wonder makes one reconsider some of our own cynicism about folks like that. Maybe the people who do that can do it because their eyes are clear (not in their “stomachs”), their hearts are full of wonder about who God is and what the Spirit is up to, and, spiritually nourished in Christ, they know and trust that we really can’t lose with God. Maybe we are more focused on all the needs and brokenness in the world that we too have forgotten to look up and marvel.
On this Sunday are our hearts full of wonder? Are our eyes open wide to see what God is doing all around us? What He is doing inside of us? Or, are we more concerned with getting our needs met, having our bellies full? God is here responding to our every need. He already knows what we need. May we respond to Him in praise and thanksgiving, marveling at His grace, His power, and His love, opening our hearts to go deeper in our relationship with Him.
Youth Ministry Announcements
NOW (Night of Worship): The last Night of Worship was last Monday, August 5. We would like to offer a big thank you to Evan VanSkyock for organizing them and leading them. Thanks also to all the students who attended.
Blessing of Athletes: There will be a special blessing for athletes at the nine and eleven o’clock masses on Sunday, August 25.
Church Day at the Darke County Fair: Deacon Mike will be at the Spiritual Life Building at the Darke County Fair on Monday, August 19, from 6:00 to 8:00. Stop by to take a break from the fair festivities for some coffee or water, and good conversation.
Loading of the Truck at the End of the Right to Life Garage Sale: On Friday night August 9, there will be loading of the truck with all the leftover items from the Right to Life Garage Sale. All Youth and their families are invited to volunteer which will make the job faster and easier. Loading will begin at the K of C Hall in Versailles at 6:00 p.m. If anyone needs service hours this would be a great opportunity to get some.
Youth Mass for the Family of Parishes: This year religious education along with youth ministry are kicking off the CCD year with a Mass at St. Louis Catholic Church in North Star, at 7:00 p.m. All High School students are expected to attend. Father Jones will be the main celebrant for the Mass. Parents and other family members are encouraged to go to this special Mass
High School Youth Ministry Sessions: The summer is flying by and High School Youth Ministry is again around the corner. Regular weekly sessions will begin this year on Wednesday, September 4. The times are different this year. The high school will be meeting separate from the Middle School in the St. Denis Rectory from 6:45 to 7:25 every week that there is CCD.
Middle School Youth Ministry Sessions: Middle School Youth Ministry and will resume on September 4, 2021 for the new CCD year and will be held every Wednesday beginning with benediction at 6:05 p.m. immediately followed by Youth Ministry which will end 7:25 p.m. right religion classes which start at 7:30 p.m.